Making the right choices, finding the right fit. Both are easier when you take the time to get to know yourself.
Whether you use the online links below or work with a professional career counselor, we look forward to linking your self-knowledge to educational options that fit you best. There are several excellent FREE assessments available. The list below will get you started. But I have to tell you, my absolute favorite strengths and interests profiler takes a little more time and is not free ($29). Seems to me - and I have taken the YouScience surveys - this is a worthwhile investment in your future. (Note that I am not compensated in any way for this post, nor am I compensated for any others.) Here's a link to the purchase form, and more importantly, you can decide for yourself by learning more about it here and here. Check out these free, online, informal assessments. There's no harm in doing more than one! Interest Profiler Assessment on the Rutgers University site The Interests and Skills Checklist Personality Mosaic from Delta College Multiple Intelligence Inventory Fifteen Things I Love To Do True Colors Career Interests Game from the University of Missouri 16 Personalities Humanmetrics Jung typology |