A note about Financial and Visa Requirements for International Students studying in the US30/5/2014 Financial and visa requirements are among the most critically important, as well as most complex, challenges faced by the newly-accepted international student. In fact, these requirements can seem like a barrier, and get in the way of the student’s matriculation at her chosen university. We believe that forewarned is forearmed, and to that end, we've done some research for you.
We have summarized the key requirements at each of four US universities in the table below. Of note, you will find that requirements are presented in a different format at each of the university websites. This is the initial barrier, that of time and energy to research the requirements at the universities to which you have been accepted. Then, get ready to decipher the instructions, which are presented across multiple web pages on the university sites: in a FAQ section, a special web page for international students, PDFs attached to pages via links, multiple pages on drop-down menus for international students and more. The final barrier is execution: of the proper forms, online questionnaires, and attendance at required orientation and mandatory “check-in” sessions either in person or online. Mitigating these barriers are the professionals on-campus who are dedicated to assisting you and other international students. Each of the universities that we researched has robust, if not consistently organized, information online. Contact information is readily available, and there are on-campus offices where you can go for assistance. Take advantage of these resources. Although barriers exist, the you are not alone as you work to understand the financial and visa requirements for your chosen university. Our message to you is to do your homework on these topics before arrival on campus. Take a look at the table below to get a sense of how differently colleges approach these requirements. Now, get online and check out the requirements at your university!
Everyone likes the idea of receiving scholarship money. What's not to like? But how many students are willing to put in the hours and effort required to apply for scholarships and financial aid?
We promise not to sugar coat our advice. The truth is, searching for scholarships and financial aid is not for the faint-hearted. The timing for most scholarship and financial aid applications begins in earnest after January 1. Yes, that's just when you've finished your college applications and collapsed on the sofa. There is money out there for students in grade 11, and even grades 10 and 9, but most students are motivated to search for financial support in grade 12, when the concept of going to university is on the verge of becoming a reality. We get that. Don't flog yourself about waiting to go for it, just go for it! We are there to support you beyond the search. We recommend useful sites, but we can also be there to encourage and guide you through the sometimes arduous process of completing applications once scholarship and aid matches have been found. The good news is that you'll be a pro in essay writing by January of your grade 12 year! And when it comes to filling out financial aid forms, we can help you figure out how best to fill in those blanks. Visit our Resources and Links page for a list of our favorite, and most helpful, sites. Is there a scholarship out there for you? |
AuthorAlicia Lindgren Archives
August 2020